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App Helps You Get To Sleep By Giving Your Phone A Natural Glow

/ Jim Wangercyn

Ever notice the blue light that emits on a friends face when they're texting at night?  Some studies are showing that this blue light in the evening is hindering your ability to fall asleep.  

The app F.lux mentions on their site that this light resembles sunlight during the day: bright, blue-tinted light.  But what happens around sunset?  Sunlight gets much warmer, dimmed, and easier on the eyes.  F.lux mimics this natural cycle by dimming your screen and making the colors noticeably warmer.  If nothing, it certainly is easier on the eyes!

Here's a couple quotes from their site:

"F.lux...makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day."

"The experimental research suggests that an average person reading on a tablet for a couple hours before bed may find that their sleep is delayed by about an hour."

Flux Off Flux On

F.lux is available for Apple products and most laptops.  If you're on an Android device search the app store for Twilight!  Both have a pleasant user interface and are simple to use.

Download them here:

F.lux (Apple/desktop):

Twilight (Android):

Keep us in the loop with your experience with F.lux!